Interior Design Online Course – What is the Institute Of Interior Design?

By: GeraldJenkins

Online learning makes an education possible for just about anyone, at any stage of their life, to achieve an objective or fulfill a life long dream. People with the desire to learn are no longer bound by disabilities, geographical locations, social status or their own private history. With an education online everything starts afresh and it is never too late.

There are some educational institutions that offer a course in interior design online. As the demand for interior designers continue to grow, Online Schools provide students with the option of learning this wonderfully creative discipline at home at their own convenience.

Let us look at The Institute Of Interior Design. Please be aware that the writer is not recommending this course but providing information only.

The Institute of Interior Design has been in operation since 1998. With facilities in the USA, the UK, Australia, India and Pakistan, the Institute offers Certificate and Diploma home study courses in interior design. The Institute is accredited by the Open and Learning Quality Council (ODLQC). This body was set up in 1968 and is one of the prime accreditation bodies for distance learning courses.

The course claims to show how to become a professional interior designer. The online course provides a complete learning package full of information, tips and exercises providing a permanent reference library essential for consulting after completing the course.

The course has been constructed by experienced industry experts. Interested DIY (Do It Yourself) interior designers will find this online course ideal as it offers advice of how to approach each room.

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The course provides insight into this creative world of design. The course covers areas of interest such as selecting the right fabrics, presentation of designs, finding customers, how much to charge and the paper work required. The aim of the course is to provide precise and helpful information about being a professional.

Accreditation is an important aspect of any course. What is the point of paying for a course if it is not recognized as being of any value? This course is fully accredited by ASET providing an award equivalent to Level 4 of the National Learning Framework (post A level/HNC/HND standard). ASET is a national Awarding Body recognized by the Department of Education and Skills and by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in Britain. It has been accrediting vocational learning for more than 50 years and now works with more than 200 providers in the UK and internationally.

There is no need to have a talent for drawing as the course reveals how to produce competent drawings by hand. The course also supplies a copy of ‘Visual Home’ which is a powerful but easy-to-use computer program that quickly produces beautiful floor plans.

Many students take around eighteen months to gain their Diploma. It is worth remembering that because it is home study, the student studies at their own pace. They can take as long as they want as the Institute sets no time limit.

The course material includes numerous self-assessment exercises plus assignments which are evaluated by an experienced tutor. The tutor is there to help and offer advice and suggestions on anything to do with the subject matter.

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How will the Diploma of Interior Design benefit the budding interior designer?

The course will show the student how to set up a professional practice. A Diploma is issued on successfully completing the course as recognition of the skills and the knowledge acquired. It will enable the successful student to use the initials Dip.ID (Inst.ID) after their name. Their name is added to the Institutes list of Approved Interior Designers with an ‘Approved Designer’ logo to add to their website. If requested, the Institute will also send out a press release to the local newspapers to inform the public of the new practice.

Some students are a bit nervous about enrolling so it is best for the individual students to contact the Institute and inquire about their guarantees and refund policies.There are other ID courses available online and a few credible schools are offering four year online programs. Be aware that online programs and distance learning courses in the field of interior design may not be recognized as a sufficient or credible form of education.

Prospective students should question whether the program will provide the student with the credentials required to be licensed in most states and provinces or to be hired by most interior design firms. It would not hurt for serious students to investigate the graduation rates and find out where the graduates of these online courses are employed.